All Linux based computers should run OLR as long as the Kernel is 32 Bit or supports 32 Bit system calls (all 64 Bit systems I know do support this). X86 uses Enhanced OP2 compiler.
OLR is being tested with MIPS Creator Ci20. MIPS uses OP2 compiler. Ci20 can be purchased here.
OLR is being tested on Orange Pi PC. This is a 15USD computer. It runs also on Raspberry Pi 3, RPi2, RPi1 and should also run on (nearly) all other ARM based devices. OLR including Gadgets runs on Nokia N810 with Maemo OS2008, although I did not figure out completely how to use the mouse replacement. ARM uses Ceres based compiler which is not fully compatible with OP2 compiler.
RISC-V back end for OP2 works on qemu. See Rop2compiler for instructions.
Besides using OLR using via CPU emulator (qemu-i386, qemu-mipsel, qemu-arm) on any Linux system, OLR also can run on a virtualized system via qemu-system-i386. I am using the 14MB Nanolinux distribution. When using kvm there is no noticeable speed decrease. For a first test you can do the following:
- download nanolinux-1.3.iso file
- create a new virtualized harddisk "qemu-img create sda 60M"
- format that disk "mke2fs sda"
- mount that file and copy all olr files there
- unmount sda
- run "kvm -hda sda -cdrom nanolinux-1.3.iso -boot b"
- open a new text console by pressing "ALT-F2", log in with user name "tc", no password
- get super user state "sudo su" (or set correct permissions)
- mount sda "mount /dev/sda /mnt/sda/"
- change directory to olr "cd /mnt/sda/olr"
- run olx "OMEVENT=/dev/input/mice ./olx" (Nanolinux has no mouse events)
- enjoy
The procedure can be simplified by installing Nanolinux on flash or harddisk.